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  • Writer's pictureAmy Kammenga

The Mountain was out (part 1)

What a Washington phrase. We have so many cloudy days, it is a treat when we are able to see Mount Baker or Mount Rainier.

I have made a few trips to Mount Rainier National Park throughout the last three years, and not once did I see the mountain. I was starting to think it was just a myth.

But then, July 2020 came along and I saw the mountain on not one, but TWO separate occasions. It was amazing. That mountain is HUGE and majestic and I could list dozens of more adjectives and still run out of words to describe it.

I did the Mount Fremont Lookout Trail my first successful trip, and it was HARD. I've spent the last 5 months sitting at my computer doing distance teaching, and my legs and lungs are completely out of shape. It was hot, it was steep, and I wanted to turn back within the first quarter mile of the six mile hike. But hiking with this view of Mount Rainier for the entire hike up gave me some motivation to keep going.

This was our first view of the lookout tower. Can you spot it?

The hike was amazing, gave almost constant views of Rainier, and really put into perspective just how massive the mountain is.

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